call me erica aster.

my pronouns are they/them and i reside on clackamas & cowlitz land also known as portland, oregon. i am a queer & genderqueer biracial child of a refugee immigrant Cantonese mother and a British/Irish colonizer-lineage father. i am also an artist and energy worker, a trauma support and resilience enthusiast, a conflict resolutionist, and a hardcore virgo INFJ.

i have stelliums in Virgo and Sag, and a stellium/triple conjunction of Saturn, Pluto, and Moon in Scorpio. iā€™m a manifesting generator with an emotional authority and enneagram type 8. some of these things may matter to you, some may not.

i love working with folks who are at a crossroads or precipice of major transition, heart- and justice-oriented leaders, queer and trans folks, folks of color, rebels, misfits, outsiders, & inhabitants of liminal spaces. you, my loves, are my people.

whether you are arriving to a gathering, getting 1-1 services from me, or purchasing my art, please understand that i do the work i do the way i do it to honor all people, the land, and our collective future in our most liberated possibilities. please note i reserve the right to refuse my services, energy, and magic for my own protection, safety, and well-being.

Please reach out and stay in touch!


instagram: @amethystarrowmagic
